Portada » HANDLING OFFSET AND DIGITAL PRINTING » Shrink wrapping machines
Shrink wrappers
Manual shrink wrappers
Manual heat shrink wrappers designed for medium productions. Practical, reliable, secillas to use, safe and that use the minimum film.
Automatic retractable machines
Automatic egg dryers for maximum productivity. The operator only has to deposit the object to be made in the welding area. Welding, transport to the retraction furnace and output of the product are automatic.
Pallet retractors
Platform wrappers for pallets with the highest quality wrapping. Automatic or manual cycle. Mechanical coil friction system for considerable plastic savings.
Pallet baling robots
The most versatile, compact, safe and efficient option to baling pallets. Save on space, time and packaging costs. Make a compact and secure packaging of the product. The robot can move to any point in the warehouse where the load is located. During baling, the operator can take advantage of the time to perform other tasks.